domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

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In case of untimely care the child may die. Treatment. On Against this background, convulsions may occur. Kefalogematoma. In first days after buy accutane online no prescription kefalogematoma covered generic tumor and becomes noticeable only after her disappearance. In what can be observed lag in the neuro-psychological development, hydrocephalus (water on the brain, see below), epilepsy and episindromy (condition clinically similar to epilepsy, but in a lighter form) cerebral palsy. In this case, there are signs anemia (anemia) - drop in blood pressure, decreased muscle tone, increase in apathy, pale skin, weak cry, respiratory failure, heart palpitations, along with the voiceless heart tones. When adrenal insufficiency use their hormone (hydrocortisone). With increased bleeding shows Hemostatic: ditsinon, vikasol, askorutin, gluconate and chloride calcium. Melen children the first day of life must be distinguished from "zaglochennoy blood" of the mother (during the passage through the birth canal, as well as cracked nipples). Recognition. Lies in early detection and treatment of pathological states of pregnancy and the fetus. Depending on the localization of hemorrhages divided by epidural (Mezhducherepnymi bones and dura mater), subdural (Mezhdutverdoy and pia mater), subarachnoid (in the space between the arachnoid and the substance of the brain) hemorrhage the ventricles and the substance of the brain. There are mixed forms. Intrauterine infection, the stepsister agent which crosses the placenta (afterbirth), or amniotic bubble inside which there is a fetus and amniotic fluid. Sometimes the disease is complicated by hydrocephalus or purulent meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord), the latter proceeds with a high fever, convulsions, characteristic posture of the patient, in which the head is thrown back, arms and legs extended, fingers and toes are bent, back straight, in severe cases patient's body arched with reliance only on head and heel (opisthotonus), as buy accutane online no prescription as changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Clinical manifestations are stepsister Marked bouts of respiratory failure, are difficult to treat and stepsister lethal effects of cardiovascular disease, shortness of breath. In the absence of complications kefalogematoma resolves itself in 6-8 weeks and not impact on the child. Based on data from pregnancy, childbirth, maternal health, fetal maturity, as well as on the basis of results of the study of cerebrospinal fluid a child, retinopathy, ultrasound examination of the brain - ehoeptsefalografii, neurosonography. Severe intracranial injury stepsister confusion or loss of consciousness, stepsister general weakness, depression of the central nervous system. Less common severe forms in which blood from the anus vydslyastssya almost continuously, there stepsister a persistent bloody vomiting. The reason meleny consider the formation of small ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum due to the increased content of adrenal hormones in crop newborn after birth stress, increased acidity of gastric juice. Sometimes the ulcers can not find, buy accutane 20mg leading role in such cases and graet probably superpermeability abnormal blood vessel walls. Children are often born prematurely, and sometimes dead. In mild child is restless, there is a stepsister of hands and feet, sleep disturbances, which are rapidly progressing. Prevention. In the acute period of recovery activities aimed na central nervous system, respiratory, heart, normalize metabolism, blood circulation, adrenal function.